Distance Learning
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American University of London
the data line
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Old Brompton Road
London SW7 3DQ , United Kingdom

00 +44 1494 730571

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Welcome to AUOL
A message from the President...

Welcome to the innovative world of Distance Learning where we bring the University to you.

This exciting alternative in higher education holds for you the promise of professional and personal growth without any limits or boundaries.

The American University Of London was originally founded in 1984 as the American College of Science & Technology. AUOL, the international distance learning centre, which was subsequently incorporated as an independent Online and Distance Learning University, has six Schools: Business, IT, Law, Education & Liberal Arts, Humanities, and English.

AUOL is a private international institution; we are not a British University (nor are we in any way associated with the University of London) and we do not award British qualifications. The University is specialised in Distance Learning education (in other words an “open” university). As such AUOL has sought and obtained accreditation from independent agencies specializing primarily in distance learning.

This has the advantage of freeing us from any unnecessary governmental interference and political restrictions allowing us to maintain our independence and to keep our fees at a reasonable level. The University‘s academic staff are highly qualified and experienced. They are accustomed to working with executives, managers and consultants employed in both the private and public sectors.

The programs of AUOL are designed for those leading a busy and successful life who want recognition for past achievements and/or require a study program leading to that essential degree qualification.

Surveys over the years have shown that a degree earned through a non-campus University with a strong reputation such as the American University of London, can be just as useful as one from a traditional school. A recent report by the UK Institute for Fiscal Studies found that, on average, men with first degrees earned around 15% more than male non-graduates with similar backgrounds and levels of ability.

Stanford Professor Jeffrey Pfeffeer in a recent article on traditional business schools in the Academy of Management Learning & Education writes, “Little of what is taught to students in “traditional” business schools prepare them for the corporate workplace. You have to question what goes on in the years it takes to get an MBA”. Even if a degree has no connection whatsoever with a job that has been applied for, having the credentials that make you a Bachelor, Master or Doctor are what you really need to get that better position and higher salary.

Here is your opportunity to improve your status and your employment prospects. We live in a competitive world. The following pages provide an introduction to AUOL.

I hope that you will join us soon.

Graduate And Post Graduate Programs
Summer Opportunities
 US Colleges And Universities