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the data line
4th Dec, 2009 | Source : Peer Review

The need for more U.S. students to go abroad is now proclaimed in academic mission statements, business associations’ manifestos, and even federal legislation. Gaining the knowledge, skills, and attitudes through an international experience is no longer just the interest of individual students. It has now become a priority of the collective. Why, then, has study abroad emerged as a national priority? There may be myriad explanations, but we can certainly all agree on one: globalization. The world is becoming “flat,” as Thomas Friedman argued. With the explosion in communications technology and the multinationalization of production, we recognize the importance of an educated workforce becoming more knowledgeable about other cultures as essential so that the United States remains economically competitive. In the aftermath of 9/11, the Iraq war, and Abu Ghraib, we regard sending students abroad as one of the most effective diplomatic tools, both to improve our damaged reputation in the short term and to help resolve intractable international conflicts in the long run. In terms of the environment, health, and poverty, we know that finding global solutions to the toughest problems facing our planet depends upon armies of individuals capable of cooperating across borders.

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the data line
the data line
4th Nov, 2009 | Source : AAC&U News

In 2005, Amanda Bernal-Carlo, director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Hostos Community College in the Bronx, was leading a committee charged with motivating faculty to reenvision their pedagogical practices and improve student learning outcomes. So Bernal-Carlo, who is now acting associate dean for faculty development and curriculum, posed a question to the committee members:… Read more
the data line
6th Oct, 2009 | Source : AAC&U News

During the 1998-99 academic year, Victoria Morse and her husband, Bill North, experienced the “two-body problem” firsthand. The term, which originally was coined to explain a phenomenon in physics, has come into popular use to describe the problem academic couples face in finding two fulfilling academic positions in the same geographic location. That year, Morse and North… Read more
Latest Comments
the data line
Posted by Admin on 4th Jan 2010 09:14

It might be a good idea to make it clear who you are addressing the question to Mohammmad - is it..
Posted by Mohammmad Akbar.. on 22nd Dec 2009 02:49

Dear sir/madam: hope you are fine and doing well, I dr mohammad akbar and my wife dr khatool najimi..
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