9th Jun, 2010 | Source : Chemistry.com
Its no secret that people spend a large portion of their time with a first date wondering, Does this person like me? And while you would think the signs would be clear, all too often theyre not. Even if your date has been smiling up a storm or raptly listening to your views on alternative fuel, he or she could just be acting interested and secretly hoping the evening will end soon. But thats not to say you need to be in the dark about your dates true feelings. It turns out there are many signals your date may send that give away whats really going on. Here are some of those subtle signs that, at first glance, might seem like nothing
but could mean theres a real connection and raging chemistry between you two.
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12th Apr, 2010 | Source : Chemistry.com
Chemistry. What is it? Its that
well, thing. That I need to see this person again impulse. Or that We click feeling. But what causes it? Does it need to happen naturally, or can you create it? Does it die over time, or are there tricks to keep the sparks flying? To explore these questions and more,… Read more
12th Apr, 2010 | Source : Chemistry.com
So your latest crush is an amazing kisser, but you had absolutely nothing to talk about over dinner. Or, you two have tons in common, but your first night getting physical was a total flop. Sure, everyone says great relationships are all about the total packagehaving a healthy balance of intense chemistry and comforting compatibility. But is… Read more