University Medical Center
1800 W. Charleston Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
(702) 383-2000
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UMC Honored for Highest Level of Cardiac Care in Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada - University Medical Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, has just received the top accreditation from the Society of Chest Pain Centers. The Society of Chest Pain Centers (SCPC) is a non-profit international society that bridges cardiology and emergency medicine to focus on improving quality care for cardiac patients. To be commended by the SCPC is a high honor, and it demonstrates to our community that UMC is dedicated to raising the level of healthcare in Southern Nevada. Patients who choose UMC for their cardiac care needs can be assured that they will receive top quality care based on the latest guidelines and accredited by SCPC. No other area hospital has received this level of recognition.
“It’s important to be recognized by the society, they are the authority on superior cardiac care, and this just proves that patients come to UMC because outcome matters,” says UMC cardiologist Dr. Robert Wesley.
The SCPC accreditation commends UMC for consistently demonstrating excellence in a variety of measurable criteria. They include timely assessment of cardiac patients, the presence of a heart monitoring program for low-risk patients so they are not sent home with heart complications, a nursing and physician staff who have an intricate understanding of cardiac care, an administrative staff committed to maintaining and enhancing internal heart health programs and services, and hospital-based community outreach programs. Additionally, being an accredited chest pain center that performs percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI, more commonly known as angioplasty procedures to unblock clogged arteries) demonstrates UMC has a continued commitment to providing cardiac care of the highest quality available.
“The Society of Chest Pain Centers accreditation is yet another indication of UMC’s commitment to excellence in delivering cardiac care,” says Clark County Commissioner and Chairman of UMC’s Board of Trustees Lawrence Weekly.
The SCPC isn’t the only organization to recognize the cardiac care team at UMC. Recently, the American Heart Association presented UMC with their Get With The Guidelines Gold Performance Achievement Award for excellence in providing a higher standard of cardiac care, specifically citing our “door-to-balloon” times which consistently beat the national average. Get With The Guidelines is the premier hospital-based quality improvement program from the American Heart Association. It empowers healthcare provider teams to consistently treat heart patients according to the most up-to-date guidelines available. UMC received performance achievement awards for the treatment of both coronary artery disease and heart failure.
UMC is the only hospital in Las Vegas to receive this caliber of recognition from the Society of Chest Pain Centers and the American Heart Association.
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