Putting Girls First
Nationally Recognized Leader in the Education of Girls
Agnes Irwin is an independent day school for girls in grades K-12, located 10 miles west of Philadelphia. The School's 18-acre campus is home to a challenging and supportive learning community of 650 girls. Agnes Irwin fosters an environment where respect for the individual, appreciation of differences, and supportive, lasting friendships are developed and nurtured. Our students represent an array of racial, ethnic, religious, socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds.
At the entrance to the Admissions Office at Harvard University there is a plaque honoring Miss Agnes Irwin, who was chosen by Harvard to be the first dean of Radcliffe College. Her selection was not surprising; she was highly regarded as a pioneering educator of women and the founder in 1869 of one of the first schools in the United States devoted to girls ñ The Agnes Irwin School. The School was at the forefront in developing academic education for girls and continues today to be a nationally recognized leader in this field.
Agnes Irwin provides a rigorous academic program with Honors and Advanced Placement courses available in all disciplines. In the Class of 2003, 55% were honored by the AP Scholars Program; their average SAT scores were 1300 and 25% were recognized by the National Merit Program. Agnes Irwin prides itself in offering girls exceptional preparation for admission to the finest colleges in the U.S. A complete listing of college selections in recent years can be found on our website.
Two programs are unique to Agnes Irwin and particularly important to the development of self-confidence in adolescent girls. Sophomores and juniors spend two weeks in February in our Special Studies Program. Girls leave school to explore special interests and careers. Choice of programs includes Habitat for Humanity; home stays in France and Spain, Presidential Classroom, Marine Ecology, Photography Workshop and independent projects. Girls have worked in law firms, shadowed physicians, interned at a radio station and explored journalism at a local newspaper. The second, the Senior Assembly, is a treasured tradition which embodies the School's premise that every girl has something important to say, and has the confidence and the ability to address an audience of 250 people.Each senior is required to present a 10-minute speech before her peers and faculty on a topic of her choosing.
Physical education begins in kindergarten, and interscholastic competition starts in 7th grade. More than 90% of our girls participate in one or more of 12 sports, including basketball, crew, cross-country, field hockey, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, squash, swimming, tennis, and volleyball. Since 1995, our girls have gone on to play in over 50 Division I and Division III programs. More than 30 clubs are organized around themes that include art, drama, community service and student government and provide more than 90 leadership opportunities for Agnes Irwin girls.
For information about tuition, financial aid and the admissions process, contact or call 610-525-8400.