Westminster College
Education That Fits
Westminster's program provides education that fits—both your time and professional needs. If you are thinking about a career in education, you want a program that not only teaches you theory and recent trends in your field, but one that also gives you effective tools applicable in the classroom. You want a program that is flexible whether you're a non-traditional student returning to receive your degree while balancing a family and career or a traditional student who wants to combine his/her education curriculum with other classes in the arts or sciences. Westminster’s education program offers all of the above, an exceptional academic experience preparing teaching professionals.
Field experience
Our curriculum takes a practical, multifaceted, student-centered approach to preparing teachers. A major focus of our program is providing diverse field experiences. Students are placed in different school settings, and our faculty provide constructive feedback along the way. Faculty members are approachable and always willing to help students achieve individual academic and career goals.
Westminster is proud of its strong Teaching Abroad Program. This program was based on feedback from our Mentor Teachers and our students who felt the experience would be richer and more beneficial to our Student Teachers and the students. Student Teachers can apply to do the last four weeks of their student teaching either on the Hopi/Navajo reservation or in Wiesbaden, Germany, at a DoDD (Department of Defense Dependents) school. We are the only Teacher Education Program in the state of Utah to have a partnership with DoDD schools, and our faculty continue to build this relationship in several foreign countries to advance the Teaching Abroad Program.
In conjunction with field experiences, we offer a partnership program that establishes personal and professional relationships with in-service teachers who serve as mentors during field experiences and a highly successful job placement program for graduating students.
Westminster's undergraduate Teacher Education programs include:
A major in Early Childhood Education leading to Utah licensure and a Bachelor of Arts degree.
A major in Elementary Education leading to Utah licensure and a Bachelor of Arts degree.
A licensure-only program in Early Childhood, Elementary, or Secondary Education (for students with an undergraduate degree).
A program that combines licensure in Early Childhood, Elementary, or Secondary education with M.Ed. coursework, in which students can take four of their licensure courses (12 credits) at the graduate level to be applied towards their M.Ed.
A minor/endorsement in Special Education (this program is also an area of specialization in the Master of Education program).
Westminster’s graduate Teacher Education programs include:
Master of Education. The college offers a graduate education program leading to a Masters Degree in Education (M.Ed.). Individuals must be interested in pursuing an advanced degree that is humanistic and developmental in its perspective and which has an instructional focus. Commitment to professional growth is a prerequisite. The program includes learning endorsements in Distance Learning, English as a Second Language, Reading and Special Education.
Combined Master of Education/Licensure. This program is designed for students who currently hold a bachelor's degree and are seeking a graduate degree in Education along with a Utah state teaching license in secondary, elementary, or early childhood education.
Adult Learning Certificate (ALC). This program is designed for students who already hold a bachelor’s degree, and are seeking to become qualified as specialists with a broad knowledge of adult learning.
Westminster College: An exemplary community of learners
Westminster College is a private, independent college dedicated to student learning. We offer professional and liberal arts courses of study for undergraduates, as well as selected graduate programs. We are a community of learners with a long and honored tradition of caring deeply about students and their education. Students are challenged to experiment with ideas, raise questions, critically examine alternatives, and make informed decisions. Located in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah, Westminster has been rated in the top fifteen institutions in the Western region by U.S. News & World Report and a “best value.”

For more information:
Admission Office
Westminster College
1840 S. 1300 E.
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
(801) 832-2200 or 1-800-748-4753