Aiglon College, founded in 1949 by John Corlette, offers a well-rounded education in a secure and friendly international community. It is a member of the Round Square and is registered as a charitable trust in Switzerland, the UK, USA, Holland and Canada. Aiglon is an independent, non-profit, co-educational, international boarding school run on British independent school lines with an enrolment of 55 nationalities. It is situated on a 25-acre alpine site 4,000 feet above the Rhone Valley. There are four houses for girls and four houses for boys, (two of which form a separate Junior School) each with its own houseparents. The teacher/pupil ratio is 1:6. Facilities include a new computer centre, eight laboratories for science and languages, a library and new art and music departments.
The school is divided into a Junior section (ages 9-13), Middle (13-15) and Upper (15-18) schools; courses are taught in English except in the first two years of the Junior School (ages 9-11) where the emphasis is based on French and English. The curriculum in the Lower School consists of English, French, history, geography, mathematics, general science, computer literacy, art, music, drama and religious knowledge. Biology, chemistry, physics, German and Spanish are added in the Middle School. The Upper School is divided into Fifth and Sixth forms. Fifth form students follow seven or eight courses leading to GCSE/GCE ‘O’ level. In the sixth form two year courses lead to GCE ‘AS’ and ‘A’ levels which may qualify for Advanced placement at college in the United States. The school is also a centre for the College Board, TOEFL and some AICE exams at subsidiary levels. Almost all graduates go on to universities and colleges in the USA, UK and Europe.
The academic programme is rigorous and is complemented by a very high degree of pastoral care and a challenging programme of sports and outdoor activities. Sports include skiing, basketball, tennis, soccer, athletics, gymnastics, swimming and volleyball. Once a term there is a three-day Long Expedition – in the autumn to European cultural centres and in winter on skis. Service and responsibility are fostered through social service projects amongst the local Swiss community and through the Round Square organisation worldwide. All students perform house tasks in accordance with their age and capacity. Emphasis is placed on the firm but fair discipline.
Accredited by ECIS.
Headmaster: Dr Jonathan Long
Deputy Head (Curriculum): Neil Roskilly
Deputy Head (Pastoral): David Rhodes
Head of Junior School: Didier Boutroux
Director of Admissions: Mary Sidebottom