Call on the Leader - a Top 100 Cardiovascular Hospital
If you or someone you loves needs cardiac care, your primary concern is finding skilled specialists with the technology and experience to help you. The Elliot M. Estes Heart Cancer Center at St. Joseph’s Mercy Oakland offers complete cardiac care program to diagnose, treat and manage heart disease. Our cardiac care team uses a wide variety of diagnostic and treatment procedures including traditional methods as well as a new and most advanced techniques and equipment for cardiac care. We offer open heart and valve surgery, non-invasive cardiology testing services, electrophysiology lab procedures, the most advanced heart catheterization procedures, all phases of cardiac rehab, chest pain emergency center. Some of our newest procedures include endoscopic vein harvesting and "off the pump" heart surgery.
Our history as a leader in advanced cardiac care goes back many years and when we opened the first coronary care unit in Oakland County. We have continued to be a leader in cardiac services and most recently had the distinction of being named a " A 100 Top Cardiovascular Hospital"
Quality care close to home - Patients can be referred to St. Joseph Mercy’s Elliot M. Estes Heart Center Through their personal physician or cardiologist. Cardiac patients are also admitted through our chest pain emergency center. If you are looking for a physician, call our Health line at 1-800-372-1694.
You do not have to travel far from home for experience, quality cardiac care. Our team of experts is available and able to meet your special needs.
Free Heart Risk Assessment - Are you at risk of heart disease? We will send you a free self-heart risk appraisal. Call our Health Line at 1-800-372-6094.
Visit us at our web site