Red Rock Canyon School is a state-licensed treatment facility for adolescents, ages twelve (12) to seventeen (17), with behavioral and/or emotional problems who require a level of structure and treatment beyond that which is available in traditional outpatient clinics, but who do not require inpatient psychiatric care.
Red Rock Canyon School utilizes treatment programming provided by licensed professionals and highly qualified staff that are deeply committed to helping youth. Each member of our treatment team aspires to the highest standards and ethics and continually strives to improve both the quality and effectiveness of treatment services.
At Red Rock Canyon School, we provide opportunities through our therapy, academic, and residential living programs for youth to gain a greater understanding about themselves and knowledge about the world around them. Our interactive student living program offers a highly structured and supportive environment designed to foster acceptance and support in which the students can practice their newly acquired social skills. In this positive environment our youth are provided with opportunities to look beyond themselves as they act as positive role models for newer program residents and participate in community service projects. Participation in our enrichment, recreational, and vocational training programs further complement their preparation for life challenges and their over all sense of happiness and well-being.
At Red Rock Canyon School, we provide a full continuum of care which is designed to help young people take accountability for their actions, gain a positive vision of their future, develop specific skills and experience necessary to set and achieve meaningful goals, and to develop a feeling of self-worth. There are three levels of care available at Red Rock Canyon School - Orientation, Residential, and Transitional.
The Orientation program is a vital ingredient to the adolescent's success at Red Rock Canyon School. This element of the program is designed to help the adolescent learn the meaning of the program and the desires of the program staff to assist through this initial phase. The goal for the orientation program is to help the youth learn to show care for themselves and others. When the adolescent can begin to show that they are prepared to show care for themselves they can advance to the Residential phase of the program.
Our Residential Level is a staff -secured, environment, meaning that our students are under direct supervision by unit staff at all times, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The focus on this level is for the student to learn and demonstrate cooperation and responsibility.
Transitional Level youth are housed on campus in a separate Transitional Living Unit. They are also supervised by staff, however, they are responsible to keep their own daily schedule and to take a more active role in their treatment planning. The focus on this level is on life skills and vocational training.
Admissions Office
747 East St. George Blvd.
St. George,
Utah 84770
800 635 4441