Our Mission: Oldfields School is committed to the intellectual and moral development of young women. In a culture of kindness and mutual respect, we encourage each student to make the most of her academic and personal potential. We guide each student to grow in character, confidence, and knowledge by encouraging her to embrace the values of personal honesty, intellectual curiosity, and social responsibility.
Our Motto: Courage, Humility, and Largeness of Heart
Founded in 1867 by Anna Austen McCulloch, Oldfields continues to reflect her desire to provide young women with the opportunity to make the most of their academic and personal potential. The goal of Oldfields is to provide a family-like environment in which students can best develop intellectually, ethically, and socially. As a school, Oldfields has a rich history of retaining its core values and traditions. The values of mutual respect, kindness, integrity, curiosity, and social responsibility have been and continue to be central to our educational program. Encouraging and guiding each girl towards the realization of her individual potential remains our fundamental approach to learning both within and beyond the classroom.

Pioneering programs in Chemistry, Physical Education, and Technology, Oldfields School prides itself on its constant innovation while maintaining the feeling and essence of family for which we are known. This rich history of adapting to changes in the world prepares each girl not only for higher education but also for the opportunities and challenges of the future. For example, early this summer the entire faculty received training from the Schools Attuned program. This program is based on Dr. Melvin Levine’s neurodevelopmental brain research. Based on his research and practice, Dr. Levine believes that each student learns differently because of their own neurodevlopmental patterns. With this training that is on-going, our faculty is developing the pedagogical knowledge and skills to meet the diverse learning needs of each of our students. This professional development gives us the ability to provide a college preparatory curriculum that matches the distinctive learning styles of our 8th grade-Post-Graduate students.
Oldfields is also known for its personalized schedules, college-preparatory curriculum, and nurturing family-like environment. Fine and performing arts, athletics, dance, and horseback riding are available, as are extensive weekend activities. One hundred percent of faculty and students have laptop computers. With over 1500 internet ports and five Smartboards (touch-sensitive white boards that offer connections to our network via computer, thereby opening classrooms to an abundance of resources, including the Internet), technology is widely accessible. Overseas and off-campus experiential programs are offered in May.
The 225-acre pastoral campus is located just 25 miles north of Baltimore, with convenient access to cultural and recreational activities there as well as in Washington and Philadelphia. In 2003-04 the student body represented 27 states and nine countries including Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and El Salvador.
Oldfields School is currently accepting students for grades 8-PG. Please visit our website at www.oldfieldsschool.org and call the admission office at (410) 472-4800 if you would like to hear more about Oldfields.