Central Texas College’s Aviation Department offers quality flight instruction at affordable rates in an educational environment that is both supportive and challenging. The program allows students to complete their flight training while earning their college degrees in preparation for entry level jobs in the aviation industry.
In operation since 1967, CTC has trained hundreds of professional pilots who now work for the major and regional airlines and corporate flight departments around the world. As members of The National Intercollegiate Flying Association and The University Aviation Association, the program has received outstanding recognition on both national and state levels. At its most recent campus visit, The State of Texas Education Coordinating Board awarded the program “exemplary” status. Central Texas College is fully accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Central Texas College is located in Killeen, Texas which is centrally located in the state about a 3-hour drive from Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Flight training is conducted at The Killeen Municipal Airport and the area provides an excellent training environment especially for instrument instruction. From its two hangars at the airport, the department operates and maintains a training fleet of 14 aircraft including C-152s, Piper Archers, Mooney ATs and a Cessna C-310R. The facilities offer ample classroom and briefing areas and also house the college’s flight simulators.
The attractive and convenient main campus is located three miles west of Killeen and offers both housing and dining facilities. The campus has undergone a tremendous amount of construction over the past couple or years with the addition of a new Technology Center which houses the Mayborn Planetatium and Space Center, a 54,000-square-foot Natatorium and Physical Education Center and an 18,000-square-foot expansion to the Library.
The Aviation Department offers a two-year Associates Degree Program and flight training from the Private Pilot Certificate through A.T.P.. Flight Instructor Certification is also available in single and multiengine airplanes and for instrument instructors. Students can continue their education through the Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation Science at Tarleton State University-Central Texas. Tarleton State University is an upper-level, public university which is co-located on the same campus with CTC and offers B.S. degrees in three aviation disciplines: Professional Pilot, Airway Computer Science and Aviation Management.
The CTC Aviation Department administers all the required FAA written exams and also has two designated pilot examiners on staff. The instructors at the college are highly experienced and sincerely interested in helping their students reach their educational and professional goals. Classroom size averages 10-15 students, offering ample opportunity for personal contact between students and faculty. The department is proud of its “close knit,” friendly teaching environment “We set the bar high and the help the student to be successful.”
Many CTC students contribute to their overall college experience by participation in various extra-curricular activities and intramural sports. The CTC Flight Team has achieved significant success at the NIFA sponsored SAFECON competitions, winning The National American Air Lines Safety Award and the prestigious Loening Trophy three different times. CTC was The Division II National Champion in 1998.
CTC is truly a great place to begin your journey and to a rewarding career in a Aviation. Contact us to take that first step!
CONTACT: Curtis R. Gibson, Department Chair
TELEPHNE: 1-800-792-3348 ext 1241
Central Texas College
ATTN: Aviation Science Department
P.O. Box 1800
Killeen, TX 76540-1800
Visit our website: www.ctcd.edu