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Newsweek Retirement Showcase Information Resource (50+ Edition)

  • Reaching highly receptive and affluent subscribers.

  • Fastest growing generation with the most descretional income.

  • Newsweek's prestigious reputation.

  • Editorial entitlements for further selling power.

Please click below to see an example of a past Showcase. The file is in pdf format and will open in your browser if you have Acrobat 4.0 or above installed but may take a while to show depending on your internet connection.

Showcase Low Resolution View (97Kb file size)
Recent Retirement Showcase

Feature List 2003: 50+ Edition

Cover Date Showcase Theme Closing Date
06-Oct Texas Retirement and General 17-Sep
03-Nov Cruises, Travel, Louisiana Retirement 15-Oct
01-Dec Arizona Retirement and General 12-Nov

For more information please contact:

Marco Symonds
Mongoose Atlantic
61 Broadway
Suite 3024
New York
NY 10006

Tel: 212-968-0196 x212

Fax: 212-968-0539
