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Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Washington State University

Participate in World-Class Research. Washington State University's School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is unique in having electrical engineering, computer science, and computer engineering within the same school, providing opportunities for learning and research collaboration. We have a history of excellence in the fields of power engineering, microelectronics and cyber intelligence.

Our long-standing Power Professorship program has resulted in many partnerships between WSU and the power industry, supporting undergraduate education and research. We're also a member of a NSF industry-university research center on power engineering that includes the top programs in the country.

In microelectronics, our Center for Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC) is one of the few research centers in the country that addresses problems in analog and mixed-signal electronics --with important applications in fields like avionics, space technology, and medical technology. CDADIC is expanding its mission to include nanoscale microelectronics circuit technology development.

The School of EECS has built significant research strength in cyber intelligence, which uses sensors, communications, software, and artificial intelligence technologies to solve problems in health, power, geology, and security -- providing automated, transparent services for humans. For instance, our researchers are developing sensor webs for predicting volcanic activities.

Face to Face. Washington State University's School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is a national leader in providing experience-enhanced education and conducting interdisciplinary research in engineering and computing. Our strong undergraduate programs provide a student-centered education based on a theoretical and experimental foundation enhanced by participation in research, internships, international studies, interdisciplinary programs, or entrepreneurial activities. Hands-on learning is emphasized.

  • "In the two years since it began as a senior project, Paint.NET has surged in popularity around the world and its developers continue the open source work from their new jobs at Microsoft." -- WSU Student Project Featured in Beta News

Your Future Career
According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)'s Job Outlook 2007, electrical engineering, computer science, and computer engineering are among the top ten undergraduate and graduate degrees in demand.

Our graduates are highly sought after by employers because of our students' hands-on experience combined with a solid understanding of theory. Boeing, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Battelle, Intel, Motorola, Tektronix, Intel and the Bonneville Power Administration are some of the companies that frequently hire our students.

The school stresses industry-university partnerships, with an active industrial advisory board as well as many contacts for internship and job opportunities. Our active student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) organizes many professional and social activities each year, including a career fair each spring with more than 60 industry representatives in attendance.


  • "Computer facilities are excellent, including several hundred Unix and Windows NT workstations interconnected with high-speed networking. Learning labs include those equipped for graphics and animation with SGI and HP graphics workstations, PC operating systems based on Linux, PC-based networking, and microprocessor development. Washington State University is an Internet2 University with a 45Mb/s connection to other Internet2 institutions.

Contact Us!
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Washington State University
PO Box 642752
Pullman, WA 99164-2752
Phone: 509-335-2446

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