Where quality services have inspired
confidence and trust for over 95 years
About Us
Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children is a nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency based in New York City. Our origins go back to the early 1900s and the pioneering work of Clara Spence and Dr. and Mrs. Henry Chapin, who established nurseries out of concern for infants languishing in hospitals and shelters.
In 1943, the nurseries joined to form Spence-Chapin. As Spence-Chapin, we became known as a leader in providing adoption and social services of the highest quality, expanding programs to serve the needs of children. From Spence-Chapin's earliest days, we have remained true to the idea that all children deserve a permanent home, and we have placed over 17,000 children with loving families.

Today Spence-Chapin offers a variety of domestic programs (Caucasian, African American and Latino) and international adoption programs (China, Korea, India, Vietnam, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Bulgaria, Moldova, and Russia). Our staff of professionals offers guidance at every step along the way, preparing couples and singles for domestic and international adoption and help with all document preparation. In each country, our bilingual experts assist parents with finalizing the adoption.
Adoption Resource Center
Our Adoption Resource Center, is open to everyone touched by adoption—adoptive parents, adoptees, birth parents and professionals. It provides complete postadoption services including: counseling, workshops and support groups. Its component, SPARK, is a resource on child development, offering help on parenting strategies; speech, motor and language development; education; adolescence and identity; and much more.
Contact Us
If you reside in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut and wish to attend a free information session, call 212-369-0300 or visit http://www.spence-chapin.org/.
Spence-Chapin Services• 6 East 94th St., New York, NY 10128